Edna Brooks

Sunrise: December 13, 1967 – Sunset: November 12, 2021

Transitioned leaving Husband, Daughter, Brothers, Sisters, Nieces, Nephews, Other Relatives and Friends.

General Info

Funeral Operator:

Laying In State:

Funeral Service:
Fellowship Tabernacle, Kingston
December 10,  2021. 10AM

Dovecot Memorial Park

Laying in State
Service/ Interment

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7 entries.
Yvonne Coke Yvonne Coke
Thank you Lord for your servant Edna Brooks whom you cleansed by your blood and have made her garments. clean. As she rises to stand before you to receive your welcome, may all who had to do with her and those who hear of the news of this dear soul's service to you through her obedience be a living witness to draw all who hear to you. Glorify your name by Edna's passing through this earth to her rest Lord, in the place you have prepared for her and for all those who will obey you. Give her loved ones your peace which passes all understanding as you comfort them & keep them in perfect peace. Amen.
Oral Khan Oral Khan
Mrs Edna Brooks was a special soul who carried the torch for HANDS Across Jamaica for Righteousness into alley and lane with great zeal. She was passionate about the mission of the organisation as she believed Jamaica's Motto, Anthem and Pledge provided a MAP that gave direction and identification to our children. She grounded everything action in prayer and would courageously share Bible truths with the children, as she lovingly laboured among them. She was selfless in her service, always putting the welfare of others above her own. We owe a debt of gratitude to Edna which can never be paid. We will remember her! Lt Col Oral Khan Chairman Hands Across Jamaica for Righteousness
Opal Thompson Opal Thompson
Edna my sister in Christ Jesus a woman of God without the fear of man yet a deep fear and reverence for God. Not very tolerant to those who dishonor God and the things of God. A woman who served from the lowest to the highest in society. One who had a passion and zeal for God. Always wanting to know the mind of God in every situation. If she believes God said it then its law. This was a woman who will not knowingly and deliberate compromise the principles of God and would be very quick to repent of any wrong brought to her attention. Loves people and loves God. Her heart was for the less fortunate and desire to see people of God living like people of God. Edna wanted everyone to be saved. I believe one thing that drew her to our group and kept her in the group is because she believed the members really love God and the things of God. She was very serious about Kingdom business. Edna will be missed. It was an honor to know and be a part of her journey.
Althea McIntosh Althea McIntosh
Auntie Brooks ( as the children n even some of adults including myself of Riverton, whose lives you have touched; respectfully n appreciably calls you) is a gem; a precious soul. Tho we know her for a short time she has made a great impact in all our lives. She's not one to see a need n turn a blind eye, she loved children n came down to their level to bring them up to a higher potential. She exposed them to ministry encouraging them to assist n pray for others. A selfless woman, she as certainly fought a good fight , finish her course while keeping the faith. We'll miss you Auntie Brooks but you are one of those who are to precious to forget❤🌹🙏p.s also from twins Amoye n Camoye❤❤🌹🌹🙏🙏
Winsome Haynes Winsome Haynes
The first time I saw you Brooksy, it was in church and you were dancing, didn’t care about anyone else, it was just you and God, then I met you at Opal’s home at a frequent prayer meeting that was held there, it was my first time, from there I knew you were a warrior and I fell in love with you, it was my first time too, meeting anyone so crazy for Jesus, you had so much passion for God, since then we have being connected through our prayer group Kingdom Ambassador, I have fun memories of you where you made me laugh so hard, and just remembering it, they still makes me laugh, one thing for sure you carry a big heart and I know God placed you on this earth and in His Kingdom because you were not afraid to go where He sent you, places so many of us would not want to go, Brooksy God made you special, you are an original, He brought you in this earth and you have done what He has called you to do, you came and you conquered, you came and you fight the good fight of faith, Jesus came, you saw Him face to face, and you went home to Glory, I know you wouldn’t wanted it any other way, continue to dance my sister until we meet again.
Don Smalling Don Smalling
Mrs. Brooks, you were a stalwart for righteousness! You have left an indelible mark in the lives of many of our nation's children and they will never forget what you have taught them and who you were to them. You were unmovable in your faith, you have diligently fought the good fight, finished your course and have kept the faith to the end. You were the hands and feet of H.A.N.D.S. and now you are in the arms of our mighty FATHER. WE LOVE YOU MRS. BROOKS AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED!
Keith Ellis Keith Ellis
Edna was my friend, my sister in Christ and my prayer partner: I loved her very mush. What I admire most about Edna was her courage, her energy and her availability to do the work of the Lord; anywhere and everywhere. Rest in peace my sister, you have done well.

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